Road Safety Products
FerroStrada (UK) Limited generates a range of road safety products impact tested to relevant EN1317 standards. These road safety barriers can be manufactured in either galvanised steel or in CorTen all-weathering steel.
STEELFLEX is the trading name for our steel corrugated systems.
From Normal Containment to Very High Containment H4 we have complete range of standard and bespoke vehicle restraint systems for you to choose from.
Each system is BS EN 1317 compliant, supplied complete with CE Marking and Highways England approval.
From N2 to H2 - single sided or double sided, we are capable of providing high quality guardrail (safety barrier) systems and accessories in Corten all-weathering steel.
Our aesthetically pleasing Corten steel products are designed to maintain the natural beauty of the environment, offering an excellent opportunity for designers, architects, environment agencies and their staff to improve the global aesthetics of local roads and highways without compromising on safety.
Modernising road safety, our Corten steel barriers can be supplied to replicate the same parameters as galvanised steel armco systems, but without the environmentally intrusive procedures associated with galvanising.
Please review our excellent innovative range of road safety products at your disposal.
All systems are crash tested, CE Marked and approved for use.
The SMART Panel is a fully developed and tested integrated environmental noise barrier capable of generating renewable energy. The system can be installed either with or without noise mitigation measures and can be used as a site boundary or security fencing for construction sites and industries requiring the supply of electrical power.
STEELGARD was originally developed to relieve weight and over imposing loads on existing older structures and was the key feature in upgrading safety standards.
Designed as a modular system and fastened with only one fixing to the bridge cope at 1.5m intervals this system transfers modest loads using a heavy chain mechanism to dissipate energy.